今天有則新聞很有趣,標題斗大的寫著:大學生投訴 賈伯斯嗆「別煩我」。這則新聞馬上讓我聯想到當初張大春上,『黃雅秀』小妹妹的新聞。總覺得這個Chelsea做了跟『黃雅秀』同樣的事情。
"The completion of this article is crucial to my grade in the class, and it may potentially get published in our university's newspaper. I had 3 quick questions regarding iPads, and wanted to obtain answers from the most credible source: Apple's Media Relations Department."
"Mr. Jobs, I humbly ask why Apple is so wonderfully attentive to the needs of students, whether it be with the latest, greatest invention or the company's helpful customer service line, and yet, ironically, the Media Relations Department fails to answer any of my questions which are, as I have repeatedly told them, essential to my academic performance."
"n addition to the hypocrisy of ignoring student needs when they represent a company that does so much for our schools, the Media Relations reps are apparently, also failing to responsibly handle the inquiries of professional journalists on deadlines."
的確,Jobs的高傲自負(?)是眾所皆知的,雖然沒有看到她到底問了哪三個"quick questions",但這個學生可以說是「莫名其妙」,沒有一家公司必須要為學生的成績負責,而且從信件的來往對話方式,以可以猜想到原本寄到Media Relations Department的信件是多麼的高傲自負,大概像『黃雅秀』的「網路上張大春資料很少」一樣駭人驚聞吧。