用慣了Linux之後,每次想要連回家裡的電腦都會上演跟家人搶電腦的窘境。其實原本XP是可以支援多重登入的,但後來不知道為甚麼要拿掉。後來上網Google到了這隻程式:Terminal Server Patch
The beta 2055 release of XP PRO SP2 let you run two or more sessions (one local console and one or more remote desktop) concurrently. But this functionality was removed in the Final release. This patch will enable two or more concurrent sessions in Windows XP PRO Service Pack 2 (SP2) or later if you have FAST USER SWITCHING enabled, and your windows is NOT in a domain. Uninstaller is also included and can be found at windows Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs. |